To borrow a line from my granddaughter, "Hello, Saturday." Saturday has always been my favorite day of the week. Luckily for me, it has always been a day of no work, a day to do what you want, a fun day.
My fondness for Saturdays began as a little kid growing up in an old farm house in Kansas. My bedroom was on the second story where an east window welcomed the warm rays of the rising sun on chilly mornings. Saturday was laundry day at out house. Our old washing machine was directly below my room and I can still hear the chug-a-lug, chug-a-lug sound as my mom fed load after load of dirty clothes through it. Of course my dad was always up by the time my eyes opened, already tending to the livestock or plowing in the fields. Sometimes I could hear the old Farmall tractor as he headed out, usually with a dog or two behind him, hoping a rabbit would jump up . Why he let me sleep in on Saturdays, I don't know but I didn't question it.
Like most kids, I was in no hurry to get up on Saturday mornings especially as I lay there enjoying that feeling of absolute contentment, listening to that comforting sound of the washer, feeling the sun on my face, all snug in my bed piled high with covers, without a worry in the world.
Have a nice Saturday.
Mine was Saturday Superstar Movies with a a little commercial time in between.