Over the years, several battles have been waged here at the
humble abode and against a variety of adversaries. But the one that remains everlasting,
eternal, perpetual, and most maddening is the war against the cats. It’s the
classic unwinnable conflict, for me, not the cats. They remain victorious. It’s
a little like the cockroach scenario, the bugs will live on despite everything
nature can and has thrown at them. The cats will rule long after I’m gone and moldy
in my grave.
I won the war against the raccoons. Oh, they’re still
around. They send out scouts every now and then to see if my defenses are down
or weakened. I still see them on occasion when the dog alarm goes off and I catch their
shiny little eyes in the beam of my flashlight. But I know and they know, their
once devastating attacks on my bird feeders are now nothing more than a hiss of
a threat. Modern technology in the form of an electrified cable stretched
between two trees, protects the feeders with an invisible force. The charger
that gives them a “non-fatal but memorable” jolt hasn’t been hot for several
months now, but the coonies haven’t noticed. Raccoons have long memories. I’m
still considering a patent. (Note: Not only did the electrified cable stop the
coonies, it also lit up the squirrels, an added bonus.)
But the cats battles, that’s a different story. Unlike the
coonies, the cats operate under a shield of immunity upheld and enforced by the
Missus. Cats can do no wrong.
Pee on the carpet? “The
poor thing must have a bladder infection. I’ll take her to the vet.”
Claw the furniture? “I’ll get a scratch pad at PetSmart.”
Knock over an antique vase and watch it smash to the floor? “She
didn’t mean to do it.”
Yes, all those kitty sins wear on me, but nothing like when
they take down the song birds that I so faithfully feed and coax in for
photographs, luring them to their death as it turns out. Faithful readers might
remember the cat fence. Another laudable invention where I encircled the area
beneath the feeders with chicken wire. This idea worked far beyond my wildest
expectations. Not only did it stop the ferocious feline charge on ground
feeding birds; the cats would not scale or jump the fence even though they were
quite capable of doing so. Something about the flimsiness of it I think.
However, there was one feeder, an expensive squirrel proof model,
that hung by itself, away from the protection of the cat fence, there being no
room left on the cable.. It hung at a higher altitude than the other feeders,
seemingly safe from assault…until yesterday.
It wasn’t the first time I’d caught the Brat Cat, aka The
Problem Child, hanging around underneath that particular feeder. I wasn't all that worried, the heighth of the feeder being out of range of even the most
athletic of felines. Wrong! As I watched in horror, the Brat Cat gathered her
strength, coiled, and sprang, snatching a bird off the feeder with fang and
claw as easily as swatting a fly. Proudly, she then ran into the woods with her
trophy, feathers flying. I couldn’t
believe it. The distance of the leap, and I’m not making this up, was 58 ½ inches
measured by my trusted and highly accurate, Black and Decker ruler. Clearly, a
new invention was in order.
What I came up with was the Acme Cat Shield. The idea was
simple; a frame of stiff wire spanned by a network of plastic mesh commonly used
in gardens and such for ivy to climb on. Tie wraps were used to secure a 24
inch square of the mesh to the framework. More wire served as a hanger to place
the ACS (Acme Cat Shield) approximately
one foot below the feeder. I stood back, evaluated the invention, and deemed it
to be a work of genius. Of course the final test, the make or break, the safety
of the feeding bird, would not be known until the Brat Cat made another attack.
I didn’t have to wait long.
Only a few hours had passed before the Problem Child made one
of her perfected stealthy approaches and
parked her marauding little ass under the feeder for an another ambush.
Remember, this would be the second kill of the day. No telling how many others
I had missed.
With the ACS in place, I waited for a bird, the cat waited
for a bird. Time passed. The tension was palpable.
I saw it out of the corner of my eye, a House Finch, it’s
little reddish breast flashing in the sun, descended from the trees, hovering a
moment at the feeder, and then… dropping to the ground.
“NO! NO!”I yelled, “Not
the ground you dumb-ass bird.” Sho nuff, before I could move, before I could
find an object to fling at the cat, before I could charge to the rescue, the
Brat Cat had another victim.
“It’s just doing what comes naturally,” the Missus says, a witness
to the whole bloody event.
“Yeah? Well my natural reaction is to get the .20 gauge.”
It was an idle threat of course. She knew it and I knew it. But
it felt good to say it.
Of course, there’s nothing idle about the threat of another
invention. This one also includes modern technology in the form of electrical
There’s nothing quite like the smell of burned cat hair in the