The next day I have a reply from someone named Jennifer that informs me that if I want a map, to go to the Great Plains Trail of Oklahoma website. Yes, there are some maps on that site, teeny, tiny ones that are non-printable and so small can you can't ever read the name of the towns.
I reply to Jennifer how I was led to believe that a paper map was available and did a cut and paste from the web site with the mhickman link,
Jennifer fires right back with the following and I quote:
If you would like a map, please send you mailing address to
Hmmm. I had flashbacks to the old Paul Newman movie Cool Hand Luke. "What we got here is a failure to communicate."
I note Jennifer's e-mail address: info@odwc. etc. etc. I then hover my mouse over the mhickman address on the website AND Jennifer's e-mail and lo, a little window pops up. Seems the mhickman mail is being redirected to who? Yep, ol' rude Jennifer. What could I do but reply?
Dear Jennifer,
FYI: Clicking on the mhickman address brings up a substitute address, yours apparently, at
I am so sorry that we slow witted folks over here on the east side of the state didn’t catch that error on your link. I do apologize for wasting your time. Thank you for all your courtesy and understanding in this matter.
Is there any doubt that Jennifer is now praying that I get lost on the Great Plains Trail and die a horrible death of thirst and starvation?